News and Announcements

Minutes from the AGM - Round Table Notes to follow

MAsT: International Annual General Meeting, March 10, 2019

Convened by Ms. Suzan at 12:05 pm.
Recorder: koneko

MsSuzan, President:

Welcomed everyone!

Mentioned that the schedule printed was incorrect and others may be joining us at 12:30 pm.

Introduced the current MAsT: International board, both those present and not.
Stated that we were doing something different and were using an iPad to record only those standing behind the podium. Our plan is to post it to our new MAsT YouTube channel.

Liza, Operations:
Sponsorships and program ads are up to date

Attendees introduce themselves. We had over 60 people attend.

MsSuzan, President:
The plan is to keep the business meeting short.

Master Michael, Regional Rep Dir:
Compliments his staff that he has been working with.
MAsT exists for the attendees and we all need it because we are stronger together.
Regional Reps are there for you. They’re an awesome staff with two people per region.
Regional Reps are the directors first contact via emails and quarterly conference calls.
He encouraged attendance and communication to help make the chapters successful.
US reps and regions are named.
International reps are in Canada and Australia/New Zealand.
Master Michael is acting Regional Rep for South America and Europe.
Sweden chapter is retired.
UK chapter is active
Five chapters are in the AU. Reps named.
Thanked everyone for being here.

Master John, Treasurer:
Does not want to waste our time with lots of numbers. We are solvent.
We have patches and such for sale on
End of 2018, we have just over $800.
Inventory of products is worth $5000.
Thank you.

koneko, Education:
Joined the board this summer and currently is working with MsSuzan on a video about MAsT history. It seems she inadvertently gave MsSuzan a project as she began here at MAsT.
We have a chat group called MAsT Chat. Just email to be added.
We have a quarterly newsletter that you can submit information to about your chapter or region.
A new YouTube channel has been created with one video posted on it about how to start a new chapter. New videos will require more input from the membership and she will reach out. The next one planned is how to run a successful chapter.

MsSuzan, President:
Merchandise has the logo with log and key that was trademarked last year.
We can now make items and sell them to MAsT members.
Master Bill and I carried a banner with the logo in the Parade of Chapters last night.
The banners are under $100 and have a fast turn around.
There are new products in the store, including a t-shirt that has a dye set up fee of $21 and the shirts are $16 up to XXL. The cost is higher for larger sizes. Hoped we would have them for today but Master Bill became ill and couldn’t get the shirts out in time.
Plans to get on Vistaprint after she finishes what koneko has asked her to do for the history video.

Annual Presenter Award: MsSuzan read slava lara’s notes. slave lara’s team worked hard on this project. The award was granted to Master Malik and slave Cathy.

Master Malik was present and accepted the award.
He thanked everyone and received a standing ovation.

slave Jody led the Roundtable Discussions.
Nine topics were proposed by the attendees.
Liza proposed shifting topics to make six since we had six tables.
Slave Jody created the following:

1: How to make more chapters like family, running a chapter, topics, facilitating
2: MAst topic sheet and resource/speaker list
3: Organizational Structures – determining membership – chapter missions & bylaws
4: Additional Regions
5: Outreach to TNG/newer members
6: Telecommunications (YouTube, Skype, Zoom) and maintaining anonymity

A scribe was selected at each table and took notes on one topic as they moved from table to table and took notes on attendees’ input.

Scribes shared an overview of what was discussed regarding their topic then gave them to koneko for transcribing to an online format.

MsSuzan, President: very happy and proud that there were thirty MAsT chapters represented last night and over sixty in today’s AGM. She thanked everyone.
Master Michael moved to adjourn the meeting.
Sergeant Major seconded it.

AGM ended at 2:05 pm.